Welcome to the rotary youth leadership awards!

Registration now open!

Learn what RYLA has to offer!

Our intensive leadership boot camp is an annual training program for young leaders, ages 18-30, to further develop character, personal development, professional leadership and to learn about Rotary.




Intensive Experience

Concentrated formal and Informal Training with various leadership based concepts and topics from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors

Develop Skills

Equip the necessary skills needed to develop character, personal and professional leadership, Build communication and problem-solving skills

Making Connections

Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader anywhere and form lasting friendships

Having fun!

Don’t forget the most important part! 🙂

Learn more about


100 Participants

A Total amount of participants expected in 2023/24

2 Cohorts

Divided into two seprate groups

10 Trainers

Well established, recognized and experienced trainers!

Official Training Location for RYLA ZERO – 2023/24

ጉለሌ የእጽዋት ማእከል – Gulele Botanical Garden

The establishments of a botanic garden as a living museum of plants which otherwise might become last or extinct is long over due in Ethiopia.

Such a botanic garden that is laid out tidily and aesthetically offers opportunities for research, restful relaxation and enjoyment by tourists, members of the general public as well as by scientists, students etc.

For one, the country has plants whose survival is threatened and which are part of its cultural heritage. These and those introduced from elsewhere have to be preserved live or in a herbarium with adequate documentation for future generations to act as referral for these plants.